Friday, March 27, 2009

For the Love of Process

Something that has become readily apparent is that my favorite part of the process of selling vintage clothes is the hunt. I love, love, love searching and even more, finding great vintage items and clothes to sell. The issue with this is that to actually sell the clothes, I need to then prepare, photograph, measure and list them to the store. I do enjoy this part of the process as well, but somehow I find I have to propel myself into the studio to get things done. I figure it has something to do with my lack of organization skills, facing the daunting challenges of dim lighting, an old camera and a lame mannequin. Luckily, some changes are on the horizon. Three models have recently gotten on board and I'll be treating myself to a new camera so my battery won't die every 20 shots and dim light won't be such an issue. Now, where are their phone numbers?

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